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Physician wellness is not optional; it is a necessary condition to being an excellent physician.

The following selection of available resources approaches wellness cultivation from a variety of perspectives.

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The American College of Surgeons’ (ACS) Board of Governors Physician Competency and Health Workgroups have put together the following resources to support the challenges you may face as a surgeon. The materials were compiled from the College, the American Medical Association, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, the National Academy of Medicine, and the Association of American Medical Colleges.


This collection of AMA's STEPS Forward™ modules offers strategies on how to engage health system leadership, address physician burnout, and develop a culture that supports physician well-being. A collection of engaging and interactive modules was developed by physicians to help address common practice challenges. Each module offers real-world solutions, practical steps to implementation, case studies, and downloadable tools and resources. Modules also offer CME credit.

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Learn how to recognize burnout and take practical steps toward a healthier culture for medicine.

​Access this collection of resources from the AMA: 

  • Physician burnout

  • Career satisfaction

  • Physician well-being

  • Workplace wellness


Sharing Knowledge to Combat Clinician Burnout:

Clinicians are experiencing alarming rates of burnout. This poses a significant threat to the sustainability of our health system and the safety of our patients. Solutions to systematically combat burnout are needed and they are needed now.

Find articles, research studies, and other resources. 


Shanafelt TD, Balch CM, Bechamps GJ, Russell T, Dyrbye L, Satele D, Collicott P, Novotny PJ, Sloan J, Freischlag JA. Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions

Ann Surg 2009

Burnout is common among American surgeons and is the single greatest predictor of surgeons' satisfaction with career and specialty choice. This article describes the incidence of burnout among American surgeons and evaluates personal and professional characteristics associated with surgeon burnout.

Shanafelt TS, West CP, Sloan JA, PhD; et al. 

Arch Intern Med. 2009

The extent to which faculty physicians are able to focus on the aspect of work that is most meaningful to them has a strong inverse relationship to their risk of burnout. Efforts to optimize career fit may promote satisfaction among academic faculty physicians.

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