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Updated: Jan 11, 2020

The SUS Leadership Agility Program, designed in collaboration with Kellogg School of Management, equips leaders to advance their careers in academic medicine amidst an ever-changing landscape. The program leverages Kellogg’s strength in meeting the unique design requirements of the healthcare sector through faculty and practitioners who have instructed thousands of healthcare professionals on their leadership journey. This program is rooted in theory-driven knowledge and concrete strategies that allow participants to put new ideas into action.

The AAS blog continues to present informative and interesting articles covering all aspects of academic surgery. The goal is to use this blog to provide improved networking opportunities and useful information.

Be sure to visit The Academic Surgeon

Updated: Jan 11, 2020

The Academic Surgical Congress (ASC) has become the premier gathering place for academic surgeons — offering unparalleled opportunities for scholarly exchange and networking with peers and mentors. Each year the ASC registration grows and the program has become more diverse, with programming in basic science, education, health policy, outcomes research, global health, leadership, and many other topics relevant to academic surgery.

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